FY2022 Budget At-a-Glance


Strategic Priorities and the Budget

The Fiscal Year 2022 budget was prepared with the strategic and master plans serving as a guide. The City recognizes the shared relationship between funding decisions and the organization’s prioritized plan. The Council’s Strategic Plan, updated every two years, intends to foster a more Inclusive, Just and Sustainable Iowa City by prioritizing the physical, mental and economic well-being of all residents.

The current Strategic Plan is available at www.icgov.org/strategicplan.

Community Input

This budget was developed based on feedback collected throughout the year from regular planning and engagement efforts, City Council listening posts, City board and commission recommendations, and direct input from stakeholders and residents to City Council and staff. This budget incorporates diverse priorities while adhering to financial best practices and planning for long-term community needs.

In 2017, the City adopted the Parks Master Plan and the Bicycle Master Plan. Each of these documents were developed through significant analysis and extensive community engagement. The identified Plan actions directly inform the Budget and Capital Plan priorities. Master Plan progress is regularly shared in the Strategic Plan Report. icgov.org/ParksRecMasterPlan | icgov.org/Project/Iowa-City-Bicycle-Master-Plan


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