

City Clerk:

Kellie Fruehling

Office Location:

410 E. Washington St.


(319) 356-5043


The City Clerk is the official recordkeeping office of the City, performing recordkeeping duties as prescribed by State Law, the City Charter, and the Municipal Code.

Boards and Commissions: The Community Police Review Board, based on a community initiative, was established in 1997. The board reviews police policies, procedures, and practices and may recommend modifications to them. The CPRB also reviews reports prepared after investigation of complaints about alleged police misconduct and then issues its own written report. The Board is also required to maintain a central registry of complaints and holds at least one community forum each year for the purpose of hearing the community’s views on the policies, practices and procedures of the Iowa City Police Department. City Clerk Personnel: FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Total FTEs 4.00 4.00 4.00 required by law. The City Clerk's office assists both staff and the general public in researching information. Taxi company licenses and driver authorization, outdoor service areas, cigarette licenses, beer/liquor licenses, cemetery deeds, and parade and public assembly permits are issued from the Clerk's office. City subdivision files, project files, the Domestic Partnership Registry, and an index of Council proceedings are also maintained in the office. The Clerk's office also provides staff support for the Community Police Review Board (CPRB). DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council, reports directly to the Council and attends all City Council meetings. The City Clerk is charged with custody of deeds, contracts, and abstracts. The Clerk's office is responsible for the keeping of all ordinances, resolutions, minutes, and the City Code. The office publishes public notices, ordinances, and minutes as


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