FY2023 Adopted Budget

Upcoming Challenges: • 2022 & spring of 2023 will be challenging as the most demanding aspects of the reaccreditation process begin. • 2023 marks the beginning of a 5–10-year period where succession challenges and opportunities will abound. • In order to generate high-fidelity performance data, need to find a technology solution to log/validate performance benchmarks which removes the human element. • Need to conduct civil service promotional process and create candidate hiring list. Budget highlights Service Level Change Summary There are no service level changes in the fiscal year 2023 budget. Financial Highlights A $300,000 Contingency was added in fiscal year 2023. This is a placeholder for future staffing for a fifth fire station. It will be increased $300,000 per year until it reaches $1.8 million which is the estimated cost of staffing another fire station.

Staffing Level Change Summary There are no staffing level changes in the fiscal year 2023 budget.


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