FY2023 Adopted Budget

• Rebuild of the West Park Sanitary Lift Station. This work to be completed by WWD staff and includes pump, controls, gen-set, wet well conversion, new utility service (by others) and existing station abandonment. • New controls for several lift stations. These include Northwest, Naples, Country club and Rundell and Center. All work to be completed by WWD staff. • Make improvements to several storm and sanitary lift stations. • Continue with the yearly sewer maintenance program and to make repairs of sewer deficiencies as they are found to maintain the integrity of the sanitary sewer. • Construction of the Nevada Avenue sewer replacement project to begin in calendar year 2021. Because of the location of the sewer, construction coordination with homeowners will be the key to a successful project. • Construction of the Scott Boulevard Trunk extension and the American Legion Road improvement will require coordination in making the sanitary sewer connection that will result in the demobilization of the Windsor Height Lift Station and associated force main. • Continue to support inspection request for new sewer installations within the City prior to acceptance so to reduce issues when the contractor maintenance bond ends. • Creating a 5-year sewer maintenance program to better utilize our Sewer Main Replacement fund. This will incorporate the current lining and repair program and capture sewer replacement projects. • The WWD is working with the University of Iowa Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on the development of a technology park to pilot emerging technologies in wastewater treatment and water reclamation. • Continue to offer tours to outside groups, students of all grade levels and student interns so to promote the importance of wastewater treatment as it applies to public safety and to “build the bench” of future professionals in the field of wastewater treatment and water reclamation.


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