FY2023 Adopted Budget

Water Operations The mission of the Water Division is to produce and distribute high quality drinking water for the residential, commercial, industrial and firefighting needs of Iowa City in accordance with local, state and federal drinking water standards, and to promote good stewardship of natural resources. The Water Division, as part of the Public Works Department, operates and maintains the City’s Grade IV drinking water and water distribution system that serves the City of Iowa City and University Heights. The system is in continuous operation 24/7 to provide high quality water and service, at satisfactory pressures, and in sufficient quantities to meet customer demands. Iowa City’s water exceeds all required standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency, with over 200 water quality tests performed each day by professional staff. Water quality data is available through the annual Consumer Confidence Report . Water Fund Activities: • Water Administration administers City of Iowa City and Water Division policies, procedures, budget and manages division personnel. Water Administration coordinates Water Division activities with other City departments and divisions. • Water Treatment Plant Operations Iowa City’s state-of-the-art water treatment facility, located at 80 Stephen Atkins Drive, has a 16.7 million gallon per day capacity. The facility is operated 24/7 – 365 by state licensed water treatment operators who produce drinking water at the highest quality achievable. The treatment plant is 100% compliant with the Safe Drinking Water Act and uses activated carbon filters to remove many complex unregulated compounds. • Water Distribution System State licensed water distribution staff operate and maintain Iowa City’s approximately 280 miles of water main and connections that contains pipe as old as 1886. • Customer Service personnel investigate leaks, locate water and City communication fiber assets, interface with customers on a myriad of water concerns, schedule service changes and meter water used by our customers. • Water debt service consists of principal and interest payments on water revenue bonds, which are repaid with water revenue. • Water Capital Reserves accounts for water funds that are set aside for the replacement of water system infrastructure.

Recent Accomplishments: • Filled 14 vacant permanent positions. • Plugged unused Jordan Well on Madison St. • Purchased a new excavator to replace an aged backhoe.


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