FY2023 Adopted Budget

Budget highlights Service Level Change Summary There are no service level changes included in the fiscal year 2023 budget. Financial Highlights

In Water Treatment Plant Operations, Services expenditures has decreased slightly in fiscal year 2023 due to some repairs and maintenance budgeted in the revised fiscal year 2022 budget for damage to water meters during the Derecho storm. Water Distribution System Capital Outlay expenditures include $225,000 for water main repairs and $25,000 for oversizing of water mains in the fiscal year 2023 budget. Water Customer Service includes $673,357 in chargeback revenues in fiscal year 2023 for services now shared with the Wastewater Fund.

Water FY23 Expenditures - $9,408,244

2019 Actual

2020 Actual

2021 Actual

2022 Revised 2023 Budget

2024 Projection


Services Supplies Capital Outlay Debt Service

Staffing Level Change Summary There are no staffing level changes in the fiscal year 2023 budget.


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