FY2023 Adopted Budget

Budget highlights Service Level Change Summary In the Refuse fiscal year 2023 budget, a $3 per household rate increase is budgeted. There are no service level changes included in the fiscal year 2023 budget within Landfill. Financial Highlights Refuse Administration Capital Outlay expenditures includes $200,000 for the demolition of the old Refuse building in the fiscal year 2023 budget. Refuse Operations Services expenditures increased 7.1% in the fiscal year 2023 budget due to landfill charges and increased vehicle replacement and rental chargebacks.

In Yard Waste Collection, Personnel expenditures increased by 45.2% for the fiscal year 2023 budget primarily due to the addition of the new MW I – Refuse position.

Landfill Operations Capital Outlay expenditures includes $15,000 for GEMS replacement, $7,000 for a pressure washer, and $15,000 in other operating equipment for fiscal year 2023.

Refuse FY23 Expenditures - $4,600,849

2019 Actual

2020 Actual

2021 Actual 2022 Revised 2023 Budget

2024 Projection


Services Supplies Capital Outlay

Landfill FY23 Expenditures - $5,783,431

2019 Actual

2020 Actual

2021 Actual 2022 Revised 2023 Budget

2024 Projection


Services Supplies Capital Outlay

Staffing Level Change Summary In the fiscal year 2023 Refuse budget, a 1.00 FTE MW I – Refuse position was added.


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