FY2023 Adopted Budget

Equipment The Equipment Division exists to ensure that City vehicles and major equipment operate safely, reliably, and meet the needs of our staff while minimizing lifecycle cost. The Equipment Division operates as an internal service fund. Equipment Fund Activities: • General Fleet Maintenance provides repair, preventive maintenance and equipment management services for all major City-owned vehicular equipment with the exception of Transit buses. Fueling services are also the responsibility of the Division, along with acquisition of new vehicles/equipment and disposal of replaced vehicles/equipment. • Non-Public Safety Radio System manages the non-public safety radio system including the back-up radio tower and radio system maintenance contract. This activity was moved from Central Services in fiscal year 2018. • Equipment Replacement Reserve is an account designated for vehicle/equipment replacement only. A replacement charge is calculated and billed monthly using a formula applied to the total cost to place the new asset in service. Factors in the calculation include initial asset cost, life expectancy, expected salvage value and inflation. Exceptions to this replacement charge are large fire apparatus and patrol vehicles which are budgeted within the respective departments. Recent Accomplishments: • Upgrading the McCollister fuel site to include a Diesel Exhaust Fluid dispensing system Upcoming Challenges:

• Ongoing succession planning for long-term staff retirements • Design and funding for a new Fleet Maintenance Shop • Maintaining equipment replacement schedules due to supplier constraints


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