FY2023 Adopted Budget

Prepared by: Jacklyn Fleagle, Budget 8 Compliance Officer, 410 E. Washington St., Iowa City, IA 52240,( 319) 356- 5063

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Resolution No.

Resolution Adopting FY2023 Inter-fund Transfers Now therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Iowa City, Iowa that the City of Iowa City, In Johnson County, Iowa, approves the following transfer of monies between funds in accordance with the Administrative Code of the State of Iowa. The City Finance Director is herby authorized to initiate and record the listed inter- fund transfers up to the amounts set out below.

Original Amount

Transfer Out

Transfer In




10, 000. 00

General Fund

Cable TV Equipment Reserve

Equipment Reserve

0. 00

Facility Reserve Wastewater Fund

Reserve Transfer



2, 875. 00

General Fund

Low Income Discount Donations

2, 500. 00

General Fund

Water Fund

Low Income Discount Donations

General Fund

Refuse Collection Fund

Low Income Discount Donations

8, 125. 00

1, 500. 00

General Fund

Storm Water Fund

Low Income Discount Donations

1, 833, 470. 00

Capital Projects

CIP funding CIP funding

General Fund

General Fund

100, 000. 00

Airport Fund

83, 656. 00

Operating funding Operating Funding

General Fund


Affordable Housing Fund

1, 000, 0000. 0

General Fund

Equipment Reserve

62, 422. 00

General Fund

Library Replacement Reserve

20,052. 00

Aniston Village Loan Pmt

Debt Service Fund

General Fund

4, 106,177. 00

General Fund

Transit Levy Transfer

Transit Fund

154,000. 00

Inn Rebate Transfer

General Fund

TIF Fund

Hilton Garden

Landfill Fund

113, 531. 00

General Fund

Loan Repayment

Capital Projects

CIP funding

2, 697, 000.00

Road Use Tax Fund

75,687. 00

Landfill Fund

Loan Repayment

Road Use Tax Fund

92,426. 00

Forestry Cost Share

Road Use Tax Fund

General Fund

315, 383.00


Cost share

Road Use Tax Fund

Employee benefits

Employee Benefits

General Fund

12, 801, 454. 00

Employee benefits

645, 524.00

Employee Benefits

Road Use Tax Fund

350, 000.00

Capital Projects

CIP funding

Emergency Levy Fund Tax Increment Financing Tax Increment Financing Tax Increment Financing

General Fund

42, 540. 00

Loan Repayment

25, 758. 00

Capital Projects

TIF pre- certification expenditures

Debt payments

1, 769, 798.00

Debt Service

373, 050. 00

Landfill Fund

Loan Repayment

Parking Fund Parking Fund

1, 000, 0000.0

Reserve Transfer

Parking Capital Reserve

700, 0000.0

Parking Capital Reserve

Capital Projects

CIP funding

280, 000.00

Transit Bus Reserve

Reserve Transfer

Transit Fund

120, 000.00

Capital Projects

CIP funding

Transit Fund

1, 288, 437. 00

Wastewater Fund

Wastewater Debt Reserve

Debt payments

Reserve Transfer

3, 500, 000.00

Wastewater Capital Reserve

Wastewater Fund

3, 130, 000.00

Capital Projects

CIP funding

Wastewater Capital Reserve


1, 324, 225. 00

Water Debt Reserve

Debt payments

Water Fund

1, 800, 000. 00

Water Fund

Reserve Transfer

Water Capital Reserve

1, 042, 500. 00

CIP funding

Water Capital Reserve

Water Capital


897, 471. 00

Landfill Reserves

Landfill Fund

Closure/ Replacement funding

1, 090, 000. 00

CIP funding CIP funding CIP funding

Capital Projects

Landfill Fund

4, 085, 000. 00

Landfill Replacement Reserve Landfill Capital Projects

32, 500. 00

Capital Projects

Airport Capital Reserve

Reserve Transfer

1, 100, 000. 00

Water Capital Reserve

Storm Water Fund


690, 000. 00

CIP funding

Storm WaterCapital Reserve Storm Water Capital Projects

54, 791. 00

General Fund

PILOT/ NDS Director cost share

Housing Authority Fund

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