FY24 Adopted Budget
including $10,000 for a new staff and Board and Commission member diversity, equity and inclusion training series. Commitments to social justice, racial equity, and human rights are demonstrated in various department budgets in ways such as funding for crisis response services, transit ride voucher programs in Parks and Recreation and the Library, annual ADA improvement projects, and translation of communications materials. Climate Action: The budget again includes an emergency levy which is dedicated towards implementation of the Ci ty’s climate action plan and emission reduction goals. $150,000 is allocated to various commercial and residential energy efficiency and electrification rebate and incentive programs including $60,000 in Climate Action Grant Program funds. Resources are also provided for outreach and engagement activities including the Neighborhood Energy Blitz, Climate Ambassador and Resilience Corps programs, Root for Trees, and ClimateFest. Many of the City’s sustainability efforts are also incorporated i nto various master plans and capital projects such as tree plantings, prairie management, bike facilities, multi-modal roadway improvements, local foods efforts, community gardens, and waste reduction. Partnerships & Engagement: This budget includes funds to support various outreach events throughout the City such as Party in the Park and Rec ‘N Roll events, National Night Out and other proactive public safety outreach events, Emergency Services Youth Camp, and a focus on engagement of all ages through Recreation, Library, and Senior Center programming budgets. Neighborhoods & Housing: Another $1 million in the General Fund is earmarked for the Affordable Housing Fund. This is supplemented by additional affordable housing revenue streams including fee-in-lieu payments and Tax Increment Financing revenue. Support for Shelter House is also continued in this budget, which includes up to $30,000 for the winter homeless shelter and $30,000 to fund half the costs of 1.00 FTE Street Outreach position. An additional $3.5 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds is set aside for additional affordable housing initiatives, including eviction prevention efforts. $150,000 in consultant funds are allocated to the first year of a multi year process to overhaul the Comprehensive Plan, including review of possible parking, energy efficiency, and sustainable land use policies. This budget also includes a $5,000 increase (25%) to the annual Neighborhood PIN Grant Program, bringing the total to $25,000. Mobility: Climate Action Funds are provided for a comprehensive, organizational-wide Electric Vehicle (EV) Fleet Transition Plan and the EV Charging Installation Rebate Program, which promotes EV-readiness at multi-family residential buildings. $75,000 is provided annually through the capital improvement budget to make transit stop safety and amenity improvements. This budget also includes funding to continue implementation of the Bicycle Master Plan. Projects completed in 2022 include buffered bike lanes and a sidepath with the reconstruction of American Legion Road (Scott to Taft); and a 4- to 3-lane conversion on Madison Street (Court to Market) with the addition of bike lanes. Projects planned for 2023-2024 will significantly increase bike connectivity in the South District. Anticipated 2023 projects include a 4- to 3-lane conversion on Keokuk Street with bike lanes from Highway 6 to Sandusky Drive; bike lanes along Southgate Avenue (Gilbert to Keokuk); installation of Wetherby, Hollywood, and Lakeside bicycle boulevards Strategic Impact Areas
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