FY24 Adopted Budget

(FTE) positions to address acute needs in our operations. 9.50 FTE are funded with City funds (5.90 FTE from General Fund revenues) and 2.00 FTE are supported by external sources:

• 0.50 FTE Civilian Police Accreditation Manager • 1.00 FTE Human Rights Engagement Specialist • 1.00 FTE Grant Coordinator • 1.00 FTE Police Sexual Assault Investigations Officer • 2.00 FTE Firefighters • 1.00 FTE Engineering Asset Management Technician • 1.00 FTE Parking Enforcement Attendant • 1.00 FTE Water Maintenance Worker I • 1.00 FTE Landfill Maintenance Worker I • 1.00 FTE Housing Authority Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator (funded with federal HUD funding). • 1.00 FTE Animal Center Volunteer Program Assistant (funded with Animal Center Foundation funding). The addition of the public safety positions aims to address high levels of burnout and overtime in these operations. The Police Accreditation Manager will enable the Department to establish a centralized Internal Affairs approach to enhance accountability review processes. The move will also help reduce internal affairs workload on watch supervisors and provide more time for field inspection of operations. The Police Officer position will be assigned to the Investigations Unit as a second Sexual Assault Investigator to help respond to the 24% increase in sexual assault investigations from 2020 to 2021. Sexual Assault investigators logged 655 hours of overtime in 2021 and 545 hours in the first 9 months of 2022. Finally, the Fire Department has two new positions in the budget to help alleviate increasing overtime demands and record call for service numbers. The two new firefighters will be strategically utilized by the Fire Chief as floating positions until such time station five is constructed. At that time, these Firefighter positions will be counted toward the new station’s staffing levels. Facilities, Equipment, and Technology: Funding is provided in several operations to support data collection and management for the 3-year implementation of Cartegraph asset management software. The new Asset Management Technician position, which is funded by both General Fund and Enterprise Fund operations, will provide full-time staff support to this initiative. $4.7 million is transferred to the Facility Reserve Fund through a Fiscal Year 2023 budget amendment, bringing the Facility Reserve Fund unassigned fund balance to $13.4 million. These funds will be critical for several major upcoming facility replacement and renovation projects. No Fiscal Year 2024 transfer is planned for the Facility Reserve Fund, however it is hoped that any surplus funds will be directed to the Emergency Reserve Fund and the Facility Reserve Fund. Financial: This budget maintains a steady tax rate and adopts several rate and fee increases to ensure fiscal health and stability. The “Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Overview” section of this docu ment further details the City’s tax and fee rates and debt service strategy for F iscal Year This budget also includes an hourly wage increase from $16.25 to $21.25 per hour for Crossing Guard temporary staff positions to encourage interest and retention in these roles.


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