FY24 Adopted Budget

 Housing Authority Public Housing owns and manages 86 public housing units. The Housing Authority serves as the landlord and rents these units to eligible tenants. They are low-density units scattered throughout Iowa City and were constructed to conform and blend into the existing neighborhood architecture. Boards and Commissions:  Housing and Community Development Commission considers, and reviews policies and planning documents related to the provision of housing, jobs, and services for low and moderate income residents, reviews policies and programs of the Neighborhood Services division and makes recommendations regarding the use of public funds to meet the needs of low and moderate income residents. The Commission also seeks public participation in assessing needs and identifying strategies to meet these needs. Recent Accomplishments:  Assisted 35 affordable housing units through CDBG and HOME funds, including rental acquisition, rental rehab, and owner-occupied rehab.  Assisted four households with home repair to mitigate environmental triggers for asthma or other lung disorders through the Healthy Homes program.  Acquired eight duplex properties in the South District Neighborhood and made repairs to bring occupied units up to code. Once units are vacated, they will be rehabbed for affordable homeownership.  Partnered with GreenState Credit Union to create a down payment assistance program that serves low-income census tracts of Iowa City.  Provided technical assistance funds to support in-home childcare providers through 4Cs.  Awarded $705,434 to 18 legacy agencies and $33,625 to three emerging agencies through the Aid to Agency funding allocation.  Provided $700,000 in FY22 Affordable Housing Funds to the Housing Trust Fund of Johnson County who allocated funds to the following projects: o Rebuild of Shelter House’s Amhurst lodge which was destroyed in a fire in 2020 and provides permanent supportive housing for six individuals. o Shelter House’s 501 Project which provides permanent supportive housing to 36 individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.  Allocated $23,750 of Affordable Housing Funds to Center for Worker Justice to assist households with applications for state rental assistance.  Provided $17,500 in Affordable Housing Funds for weatherization of Forest View mobile homes in partnership with Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity.  Served 212 households through the Security Deposit Assistance program administered by CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank that serves tenants below 50% of the Area Median Income.  Continued to provide emergency housing assistance through Shelter House using CDBG-CV funds. 63 households were served in FY22, 95% of which were under 30% of the Area Median Income. o DVIP’s shelter new construction which will serve victims of domestic violence. o Inside Out Reentry’s rental acquisition project which will house people leaving incarceration.


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