FY24 Adopted Budget

Upcoming Challenges:

 Staff capacity to administer all existing and new programs including those funded with ARPA and HOME-ARP funds allocated through the American Rescue Plan Act. Each of these programs has different program requirements to administer. Ongoing training is necessary for staff members administering these grants.  Monitoring and oversight for projects and affordable housing as we expand efforts and increase the number of affordable units under compliance.  Educating and getting buy-in from the rental community to fully utilize the land use software.  Meeting HUD timeliness standards for expenditure of funds.  Successful completion and close-out of remaining CDBG-CV projects.  Expand efforts to meet the needs of the community while providing the same level of service for existing programs.  Successful administration of the HOME-ARP funds.  Staff capacity to administer and monitor all housing units during the compliance periods.  Moving forward following pandemic-related project delays and ensuring timely expenditure of funds.  Continue to maximize our Federal resources; especially the Mainstream and Emergency Housing vouchers which provide housing assistance to our most vulnerable populations.


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