FY24 Adopted Budget

Recent Accomplishments:  Completion of fiscal year 2022 Transportation Planning Work Program projects & adoption of the fiscal year 2023 Work Program.

 Completion of the MPO Fiscal Year 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program and acceptance by the Iowa DOT, Federal Transit Administration, and Federal Highway Administration.  Completion of the year-end National Transit Database Annual Reports for Iowa City Transit, Coralville Transit and University of Iowa Cambus.  Allocation and programming of more than $17.3 million in federal COVID emergency relief funding for local transit agencies.  Completion of the MPO Long Range Transportation Plan revision and adoption by the Iowa DOT, Federal Transit Administration, and Federal Highway Administration.

Upcoming Challenges:  Completion of the year-end National Transit Database Annual Reports for Iowa City Transit, Coralville Transit and University of Iowa Cambus.  Completion of the MPO Fiscal Year 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program and

acceptance by the Iowa DOT, Federal Transit Administration, and Federal Highway Administration.  Completion of fiscal year 2023 Transportation Planning Work Program projects & adoption of the fiscal year 2024 Work Program.  Allocation and programming of a projected $11 million in Surface Transportation Block Grant and Transportation Alternative Program funds for the urbanized area.  Successful completion of the MPOJC quadrennial planning review by the Federal Highway Administration.


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