FY24 Adopted Budget
Recent Accomplishments: Completion of fiscal year 2022 Transportation Planning Work Program projects & adoption of the fiscal year 2023 Work Program.
Completion of the MPO Fiscal Year 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program and acceptance by the Iowa DOT, Federal Transit Administration, and Federal Highway Administration. Completion of the year-end National Transit Database Annual Reports for Iowa City Transit, Coralville Transit and University of Iowa Cambus. Allocation and programming of more than $17.3 million in federal COVID emergency relief funding for local transit agencies. Completion of the MPO Long Range Transportation Plan revision and adoption by the Iowa DOT, Federal Transit Administration, and Federal Highway Administration.
Upcoming Challenges: Completion of the year-end National Transit Database Annual Reports for Iowa City Transit, Coralville Transit and University of Iowa Cambus. Completion of the MPO Fiscal Year 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program and
acceptance by the Iowa DOT, Federal Transit Administration, and Federal Highway Administration. Completion of fiscal year 2023 Transportation Planning Work Program projects & adoption of the fiscal year 2024 Work Program. Allocation and programming of a projected $11 million in Surface Transportation Block Grant and Transportation Alternative Program funds for the urbanized area. Successful completion of the MPOJC quadrennial planning review by the Federal Highway Administration.
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