FY24 Adopted Budget
Goals, objectives, and performance measures
Strategic Plan Goal:
Foster Healthy Neighborhoods and Affordable Housing throughout the City, Promote an Inclusive and Resilient Economy throughout the City, Enhance Community Mobility for All Residents, Invest in Public Infrastructure, Facilities and Fiscal Reserves, and Strengthen Community Engagement and Intergovernmental Relations To improve residents’ lives in the community by improving transportation safety, and increasing the percentage of commuters walking, biking, or using public transit. Provide transportation (private vehicle, transit, bicycle and pedestrian) planning services including data collection, analysis, grant application and administration, development review, long range planning, traffic studies, traffic modeling, and coordination with other local governments including the University of Iowa, Iowa Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Highway Administration.
Department Goal:
Department Objective:
FY 2023 Projected
FY 2024 Estimate
Performance Measures:
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
Grant Awards Received for the City
2,763,479 3,564,207 2,342,924 2,890,203 2,890,203
Vehicle Collisions: Includes all reported vehicle collisions where property damage exceeded $1,000 or where an injury occurred. Department objective is to have zero fatalities. Transportation Safety (Vehicle Collisions) CY 2019 CY 2020 CY 2021 CY 2022 Projected* CY 2023 Estimate* Property Damage Only 1,065 534 928 842 842 Possible/Unknown Injury 195 113 164 157 157 Minor Injury 92 72 103 89 89 Major Injury 9 13 14 12 12 Fatal 2 1 1 1 1 Totals 1,363 733 1,210 1,102 1,102 *Average of CY 2019-2021
Vehicle Miles Traveled & Emissions Per Capita : Vehicle miles traveled and CO2 emissions per capita within corporate limits. Reducing vehicle miles traveled and subsequent greenhouse emissions is an objective of the Transportation Planning Division.
CY 2022 Projected*
CY 2023 Estimate*
CY 2019
CY 2020
CY 2021
Performance Measures: Total Vehicle Miles Traveled Per Capita Metric tonnes of Vehicle CO2e Per Capita
*Average of CY 2019-2021
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