FY24 Adopted Budget

Public Works Administration Public Works Administration provides direction and administrative support to departmental operating divisions. General Fund Activities:  The Public Works Administration activity manages and coordinates the activities of the department’s seven divisions.  The Public Works Facility activity accounts for the operations and maintenance of the City’s public works facility.

Recent Accomplishments: 

Implementation of Phase 1 of the asset management software.  Updated the Sanitary Sewer System mapping.  Updated Sidewalk Café policy.  Deceased sand use in winter maintenance due to the continued implementation of Salt Brine and other winter maintenance treatments.  Continued development of staff for right of way management and construction inspection.

Upcoming Challenges: 

Continued workforce development and succession planning.  Implementation of Phases 2 and 3 of the asset management software.  Continued collection and updating of asset inventory for public infrastructure.  Continued planning for the next phase of the Public Works Complex construction.  Increased demand for Right of way management due to city-wide fiber optic installation.  Supply chain impacts on daily operations and Capital Improvement Project schedules. 220

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