FY24 Adopted Budget
Recent Accomplishments: • Patched approximately 4,558 potholes and replaced 196 street panels in fiscal year 2022 • Leaf program picked up 467 loads totaling 1,256 tons in fiscal year 2022 • Replaced 2,704 street signs in fiscal year 2022 to comply with Federal retro-reflectivity requirements. • Completed five street sweeping passes of the entire street network. • Street sweeping program picked up 103 loads totaling 702 tons in fiscal year 2022 • Sprayed all pavement markings including a second fall application on major streets. • Assisted other Divisions and Departments with tasks such as sign installations, water main breaks, traffic control setup, erosion control, tree removal, and concrete projects. • 7,661 tons of concrete were recycled and crushed into rock that used by Streets, Parks, Landfill, and Water. • In fiscal year 2022, during some snow events Streets staff started applying straight salt and brine to our streets rather than 50% sand 50% salt mix. The decrease in sand in our winter operations reduces the amount of debris needed to be picked up from our streets in the spring, and reduces that amount of material that may go down our storm sewers. Upcoming Challenges: Limited road use tax revenues inhibit adequate preventive street maintenance and material cost increase. Deferred maintenance will result in poorer pavement quality and increased demand for patching and temporary repairs and reconstruction. Completing existing work assignments such as pavement repairs, leaf collection, and snow plowing with current revenue and resource levels. Additional bike lanes, crosswalks, speed humps, and roundabouts to maintain pavement markings. Supply, demand, and cost for equipment has gone up. This has increased the ongoing cost of replacement for equipment and has made a huge impact on our rental end loader fleet for winter services. Our inability to rent end loaders will affect how fast we are able to clean up snow after any snow event. Cold storage for equipment and material when Transit and Equipment move on to the Public Works site. Upgrading unsupported Autoscope controlled intersections. Additional specialty lighting and banners to manage and maintain. To install PTZ cameras at all signalized intersections.
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