FY24 Adopted Budget
currently facing capital project budgets increase by 20-30% due to cost increases. As such, we are buying less and relying on reserves to keep projects underway moving forward in Fiscal Year 2023. The adopted Capital Improvement Budget delays several projects in order to balance the budget and to account for supply chain issues and labor shortages.
Capital Improvement Projects by Category 2023-2027
Community & Economic Development, 0%
Streets, Bridges, and Traffic Engineering, 45%
Airport, 2%
Government Buildings, 2%
Public Safety, 2%
Culture & Rec, 12%
Water/Wastewater/Stormwater, 21%
Transit & Parking, 12%
Landfill, 4%
Each year, significant resources are committed to annual capital projects including water and sewer main replacements, fire truck replacements, annual street overlays, facility projects, and curb ramp replacements. Recurring projects in this five-year Capital Improvement Plan include bicycle master plan improvements, annual tree plantings, bus stop improvements, and ADA improvements. Other examples of significant projects that align with Council priorities and are budgeted for in the 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan include the following (many projects will span multiple years):
Kiwanis Park improvements
Landfill Cell development
Gilbert Street Bridge replacement Hunter’s Run Park improvements
• Mercer Park ball diamond improvements • Wastewater Digester Complex rehab • Rohret South Sewer expansion • Terrell Mill Skate Park redevelopment • Senior Center exterior improvements
Willow Creek Trail replacement
• Hickory Hill Park ecological restoration & Conklin Street entrance improvements • Fire Apparatus replacement
Equipment building replacement
Lower City Park shelters & restroom Riverside Dr pedestrian bridge rehab
Palisades Park development
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