FY24 Adopted Budget
Staff continues to excel in meeting the demands of an ever-growing customer base with space limitations. The landfill, recycling center, compost facility and hazardous materials receiving facility regularly see over 350 customers per day in the busiest months. Staff continues to expand options and promotion for the proper disposal of hazardous materials, including batteries. The program sees high usage which has resulted in a strong battery diversion program and a reduction in landfill fires. Formed Green Iowa AmeriCorps (GIA) partnership to support for many of our programs including battery recycling program maintenance, outreach document translation, litter clean-ups, etc. which offers our division support while providing GIA team members with skill building and experience. Recycling program usage continue to grow, including incoming yard waste and outgoing compost, despite limited space. In-person and virtual education and outreach programming continue to adapt and grow to our community’s needs. Three glass recycling locations were successfully added and are being serviced as part of normal operations. Trash tonnages appear to be trending back down after a significant increase in FY21. A landfill gas infrastructure expansion project was successfully completed in May 2022. Design for the next landfill cell was completed and construction will begin in spring 2023. The site planning study continues with a consultant. Upcoming Challenges: The cardboard compactor at East Side regularly needs attention on weekends when staff is not scheduled. Adding a compactor at the future new South Riverside Recycling Site will significantly improve efficiency and reduce truck miles but will increase need for weekend attention. The timing of the purchase of new equipment continues to be a challenge. Recycling truck 555 is due for trade-in 2025. The truck is the last of its kind in the fleet and consistently has maintenance and operational issues. We would like to start the purchase process as soon as possible; the different in cost between the existing truck and the upgrade to the semi-automated is about $100,000. Please consider the Solid Waste Surcharge Reserve (75750220) for funding for this upgrade. Single stream recycling costs could increase significantly due to the timing of a contract extension and anticipated significant market changes. Wood waste and wood chip volumes continue to remain a challenge. We will continue to explore options for wood waste other than wood chips. Spatial restraints at the landfill limit potential new or expanded waste diversion, recycling and composting options. Multiple projects are in the works for the next few years, including a new landfill cell, landfill traffic flow improvements and a new maintenance building. 246
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