FY24 Adopted Budget

Parking Operations The Parking Division of the Transportation Services Department is a self-supporting enterprise fund responsible for providing safe and convenient parking options in downtown Iowa City. The Division oversees the operation of six ramps, five surface lots, downtown loading zones, on-street (metered) parking, and on-street parking in the near downtown areas. Parking Services enforces parking regulations in the central business district and surrounding areas. Parking Fund Activities:  Parking Administration oversees the operation of City’s parking system including staffing, equipment, and infrastructure.  On Street Operations is responsible for the maintenance and operations of the City’s downtown parking meter system as well as the downtown metered and un-metered street parking lots: o Schumann Lot (near Market & Dubuque) o Market Street Lot (Blue Bird Cafe) o Recreation Center Lot (Robert A. Lee Recreation Center) o Burlington Street Lot (near Mill Restaurant) o Maiden Lane Parking Lot (west of Gilbert Street)  Parking Ramp Operations is responsible for the maintenance and operations of the City’s parking garages in the downtown and near-downtown areas: o Dubuque Street Garage (Burlington Street & Dubuque Street) - One block south of the Public Library o Capitol Street Garage (Burlington Street & Capitol Street) - Adjoins Old Capitol Town Center o Chauncey Swan Garage (Washington Street - across from City Hall) o Tower Place & Parking (Iowa Avenue & Gilbert Street) - mixed-use commercial/parking facility o Harrison Street Garage (Harrison Street & Dubuque Street) - mixed-use residential/public parking facility opened April of 2017  Parking Debt Service consists of principal and interest payments on parking revenue bonds and the Harrison Street lease-purchase agreement (retired in 2020), which are repaid with parking revenue.  Parking Impact Fee activity is derived from fees generated from downtown developments that pay a parking impact fee to the City in lieu of providing a minimum level of parking spaces as required by the zoning code. The fees from these fees must be used within the impacted area.


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