FY24 Adopted Budget
Transit Operations The Transit Operations Division provides fixed-route and paratransit bus services as well as operating the Court Street Transportation Center. The division is committed to providing safe, courteous, affordable and quality transportation to the citizens and visitors of Iowa City as well as the City of University Heights. Transit Fund Activities: Transit Administration personnel consists of a 45% cost share of the Transportation Services Administration budget, an Operations Supervisor, Customer Service Representatives, and a Data Analyst. Transit operations include 13 routes within the corporate limits of Iowa City and University Heights. Fixed route bus service is operated with a 27 bus fleet, Monday - Friday from 6:00 am – 11:00 pm and Saturday from 7:00 am - 7:30 pm. During peak hours, all routes operate on 30 minute or better headways while providing hourly service evenings and Saturdays. During the weekday mid-day, 7 routes have 30 minutes or better headways, while 5 routes have hourly service. Complimentary paratransit service is provided mirroring the hours of operation of the fixed route service. These services are contracted through an agreement with Johnson County SEATS with vehicles provided by the City of Iowa City Fleet Maintenance maintains a fleet of 27 heavy duty buses and 13 para-transit buses, all of which are ADA accessible. Court Street Transportation Center is a multi-use facility houses a 600-space parking facility and four commercial properties. This facility was FTA funded resulting in all revenues being directed to the transit fund. The Replacement Reserve holds fund for the replacement of buses and facilities. Funds equal to 20% of the accumulated depreciation of the City’s bus fleet and maintenance facility are maintained in this reserve to be used as a match for state or federal grants. This reserve also accounts for the replacement grants and purchases activity.
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