FY24 Adopted Budget

and recreation assets and identify new opportunities. The community-driven plan establishes a clear direction to guide city staff, advisory committees, and elected officials in their efforts to enhance the community’s parks system, outdoor recreation spaces and services. Natural Areas Master Plan - The Natural Areas Master Plan includes assessing ecological health of city-owned natural areas and developing a ten-year Master Plan for natural area improvements and maintenance that maximizes the ecological health and benefits of these areas. Iowa City Public Library Strategic Plan – The Library’s strategic plan establishes the library’s long range values, objectives, and goals. The plan also establishes three primary goals including connecting people to information essential for daily living and offering them opportunities for enjoyment and personal growth; encouraging discovery, learning, and greater participation in community life; and contributing to the quality of life in Iowa City by offering opportunities to explore diverse ideas, to exercise imagination, and to express creativity. The library strategic plan is updated every five years. Long-Range Transportation Plan - The Long-Range Transportation Plan is the transportation vision for the community. The Long-Range Transportation Plan provides a basis for the programming of projects for all modes of federally-funded transportation. The Long-Range Transportation Plan is consistent with the land use plans of the City, is subject to a public comment process, and reflects priorities for the City that can be translated into politically and financially feasible transportation projects. The Federal requirement is that Long Range Plans are revised and adopted every five years. Iowa City Bicycle Master Plan - Iowa City has completed a Bicycle Master Plan that builds upon other City planning efforts to expand the role that bicycling plays in achieving the City’s stated goals for transportation, economic development, neighborhood livability, community identity, safety, environmental preservation, and health and wellness. The goal is to create a Bicycle Master Plan that identifies and prioritizes bicycle improvements based on existing conditions, adopted plans and policies, and the particular needs of bicyclists in Iowa City gathered through public input. The plan will focus on identifying near- and long-term strategies and prioritized actions for increasing bicycle ridership, comfort, connectivity, and safety for bicyclists of all ages and abilities, creating a framework for expanding Iowa City’s bicycle network. This includes identifying a set of timely actions and improvements to achieve a Bicycle Friendly Community ‘Gold’ status. Facilities Space Needs Study and Master Plan - The plan primarily includes the visual observation and assessment of spaces and systems that comprise each of the City facilities involved, the understanding and prioritization (by facility) of facility space and system needs, recommendations for space and systems improvement (as determined necessary), and recommendations for improved facility energy efficiency (as needed).


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