FY24 Adopted Budget

Communications Office

The Communications Office coordinates and assists with internal and external communications for the City. The communications team coordinates media efforts and informational and promotional campaigns for the City, manages neighborhood outreach and engagement; provides public information for the police and fire departments; maintains the City’s website and intranet, utilizes social media to promote City events and programs, and supervises Cable Television (City Channel 4) activities. General Fund Activities:  The Communications Office coordinates media, informational efforts and promotional campaigns, maintains the City’s public website and employee intranet, manages social media, and collaborates with Cable staff to create and share photography and video content for television, social media, and general City news. The team coordinates with City staff to advise on policies and procedures, publicizes city and community events, while also supporting customer service functions throughout the organization through an online customer service portal. The division also provides creative services and communications support throughout the organization, and staffs the front lobby information desk, which serves as the customer service hub of City Hall. Additionally, Communications oversees neighborhood outreach and engagement, and provides public safety information for the police and fire departments.  Cable TV Administration oversees Cable TV Office operations and the production of video content for social media, City Channel 4 online, and cable TV. Audio-visual support and media production services are also provided to departments and divisions. Administration also provides a complaint resolution service for subscribers to the local cable company and monitors changes in Federal and State laws and regulations and relevant legal decisions related to cable television.  Cable TV Reserves are used to purchase equipment and supplies, including computer hardware and software. Boards and Commissions: The Iowa City Telecommunications Commission completed research in the beginning of 2021 regarding the potential for a municipal broadband network and for funding opportunities to help make broadband in Iowa City more affordable and accessible. In April 2021, the Commission recommended, and the City Council approved the repeal of the cable television franchise ordinance and the dissolution of the Commission. The City’s franchise agreement with Mediacom expired in August 2018 and Mediacom has since operated pursuant to a state franchise.


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