FY25 Proposed Budget

Upcoming Challenges:  Digester Complex Rehabilitation Project is under design with possible construction to start in CY24. Staff is working with the designer to identify which is the best course that includes findings from the aforementioned study that addresses phosphorous removal/remediation and how to incorporate finding from the Methane Feasibility Study.  Replacement of the grit classifier, placement of Parshall flumes in the influent channel, replacement of the dewatered biosolids conveyor and installation of new mixers will tentatively start construction CY 2024.  Cartegraph implementation for the wastewater treatment plant is scheduled to commence in CY24.  New controls for Country Club and Rundell and Center lift stations. All work completed by WWD staff.  Continued yearly sewer maintenance program that includes lining, spot repairs and make repairs of sewer deficiencies as found to maintain the integrity of the sanitary sewer.  Continued review of development projects within the City in conjunction with

Engineering, to ensure City standards are followed, and meets our long-term goals.  Continue to support inspection request for new sewer installations within the City prior to acceptance so to reduce issues when the contractor maintenance bond ends.  Creating a 5-year sewer maintenance program to optimize the Sewer Main Replacement fund. This incorporates the current lining repair program and captures sewer replacement projects.

 The WWD Continues to work with the University of Iowa CEE Department on development of a technology park. The mission is pilot emerging technologies in wastewater treatment and water reclamation.  Continue to offer tours to outside groups, students of all grade levels and student interns so to promote the importance of wastewater treatment as it applies to public safety and to “build the bench” of future professionals in the field of wastewater treatment and water reclamation.  Continue to retain staff and train new replacement staff.  Continue to provide training for student interns from Kirkwood Community College and Des Moines Area Community College.


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