FY25 Proposed Budget

Recent Accomplishments: • Completed a survey-grade inventory of all water distribution at grade assets and incorporated these data into the ArcGIS Utility Map for all City staff. • Completed an upgrade to the Water Plant front meeting room and lobby to incorporate ADA requirements and acoustic features to allow the hearing challenged to better participate. • Completed preservation and painting efforts on numerous critical electrical components in the well fields, water plant site, and at the ground storage reservoirs. • Completed the rehabilitation of both filter backwash pumps and a high-service pump. • Initiated a source water study to determine the best solution to meet Iowa City source water needs. • Hired and trained (8) staff in FY23 – (3) full-time positions and (5) part-time positions. • Completed implementation of Phase 1 Cartegraph for asset management. • Implemented measures to comply with the coming Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. • Implemented new water meter reading software. • Celebrated the 20-year anniversary of the Iowa City Water Treatment Facility on Stephen Atkins Dr. Increased costs for materials, services, and personnel. • Competitive labor market. • Training and retaining new staff. • Continued rehabilitation of drinking water system pumps. • Implementation of the Federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and Improvements . • Monitoring for and subsequent regulation on PFAS. • Maintaining sufficient water meter stock on-hand to keep up with meter failures and development. • The Water Plant reaching 20 years of operation and experiencing facility and system component failures at end-of-design life. • Rethinking existing processes to lessen the workload and reduce instances of staff burnout tasked with doing more with the same or fewer resources. • Completing Phase 2 out of 3 implementations of Cartegraph. Upcoming Challenges: •


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