FY25 Proposed Budget

 Internal Service funds (non-budgetary) are also self-supporting and financed on a cost reimbursement basis through charges to the departments and divisions (budgetary units) which utilize their goods and services. Such activities are not reportable, based on the State of Iowa’s budget filing requirements, nor are they reflected in the government-wide financial statements. These funds are also not included in the Major fund determinations. Funds in this category include Equipment, Information Technology Services, Risk Management, Central Services, and the Health and Dental Reserves. Fiduciary Funds  Agency funds (non-budgetary) are fiduciary funds that account for resources held for the benefit of parties outside the city government. For this reason, agency funds are not appropriated through the budget process, nor are they reflected in the government-wide financial statements. The City has one agency fund, which is not presented, Project Green. Agency funds do not report revenues and expenditures; they only report assets and liabilities. Major Funds During the preparation of the City’s Annual Report funds are evaluated based upon the level of their assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditures/expenses to determine whether or not they are a major fund. Governmental accounting standards sets forth the following minimum provisions for determining which governmental and enterprise funds to treat as a major fund: 1. Total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures/expenses of the individual governmental or enterprise fund are at least 10 percent of the corresponding total of all funds of that category; and 2. Total assets, liabilities, revenues or expenditures/expenses of the individual governmental or enterprise fund are at least 5 percent of the total for all governmental and enterprise funds combined. If a fund is determined to be a major fund, its financial information is reported separately in the City’s Annual Report and cannot be reported in aggregate with other nonmajor funds of its fund category (governmental or enterprise). For budgetary presentation, all of the City’s funds are presented individually. The City’s main operating fund, the General Fund is always reported as major. Other funds would be classified as major if the following two conditions are met:


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