FY25 Proposed Budget
Departments may request to carry appropriations forward into the next fiscal year that remain unspent at the end of the fiscal year. These requests are submitted to the Finance Director for review and then approved or denied by the City Manager. In order for an appropriation to be carried forward into the next fiscal year, it must meet the following criteria: 1) The appropriation must be for an item or service specifically listed in the requesting department’s budget. Appropriations for regular and ordinary operating expenditures may not be carried forward. Purchases of items and services not listed in the requesting department’s budget are not eligible for carryover. 2) The amount of the appropriation may not be lower than the lesser of 1) one percent of the activity’s budget, or 2) $5,000. 3) All appropriations to be carried forward are contingent upon adequate, available resources and fund balance. In addition to these carry forward requests, there are many capital improvement projects that span across fiscal years. These projects must be re-appropriated in accordance with State budget law. The Finance Department compiles a summary of capital projects and their remaining, unspent appropriations, and then these unspent project appropriations are included as part of the budget amendment for the following fiscal year. These two types of budget carry forwards are the primary basis for the first budget amendment of the year. The second budget amendment is compiled during the annual budget process. While department budget requests for the next year are being compiled during the budget process, departments also submit their revised budget requests for the current year. These requests help formulate the revised budget for the current year. Revisions to the current year budget must still comply with the City’s budget amendment policy. Following the completion of the next year’s budget process and approval in March, the second budget amendment is compiled and submitted for City Council approval. In accordance with Code of Iowa, the City Council annually adopts a budget following required public notice and hearing which includes all funds, except internal service funds and agency funds. Formal and legal budgetary control is based upon nine major classes of expenditures known as functions, not by fund or fund type. These nine functions are: Public Safety, Public Works, Health and Social Services, Culture and Recreation, Community and Economic Development, General Government, Debt Service, Capital Projects and Business Type/Enterprises. The legal level control is at the aggregated function level, not at the fund or fund type level. Financial statements which compare the fiscal year’s actual revenues and expenditures to budgeted authority are published by the 31st of December immediately following the end of the fiscal year (June 30). These statements are also presented for the City, as a whole, in the notes to that year’s Financial Report. Legal compliance is met if actual expenditures do not exceed the budgeted expenditures for each of the nine functions. Budget Reporting
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