Final FY25 Adopted Budget

Library Operations

The Iowa City Public Library is a center of community life that connects people of all ages with information, engages them with the world of ideas and with each other, and enriches the community by supporting learning, promoting literacy, and encouraging creativity.

General Fund Activities:

• Library Operations accounts for the majority of the library’s budget, and includes staffing, programs, public services, building repair and maintenance, and the Bookmobile. This also includes transfers to equipment replacement reserves. • Library Materials represents the acquisition and replacement of library materials. Materials budgets are organized into children’s materials, young adult materials, and adult materials in a variety of formats. Electronic and downloadable formats represent an increasing number of materials acquisitions. • Open Access & Enrich Iowa Funds are Library Board controlled funds received through the State Library of Iowa. • Library Gifts and Bequests are Library Board controlled funds which include contributions and donations from community partners and patrons raised by the ICPL Friends Foundation. Their purposes are for designated and undesignated uses including but not limited to library operations, programs, material acquisitions, and building improvements. • Library Replacement Reserves are Library Board controlled funds which are funded through a transfer from General Library operations; these funds are intended for the scheduled replacement of library equipment and computer hardware. Boards and Commissions: A nine-member Library Board of Trustees is appointed by the City Council with powers to set policy, employ a Director and staff, expend tax funds allocated by the City Council, contract with other jurisdictions, and receive and spend gift funds and other revenues.


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