Final FY25 Adopted Budget

NDS Administration

Neighborhood and Development Services (NDS) Administration is responsible for oversight and support of the department’s four operating divisions, Administration, Development Services, Neighborhood Services (including the Housing Authority), and the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Johnson County (MPOJC).

General Fund Activities:

• The NDS Administration activity manages and coordinates the activities of the department’s four divisions.

Recent Accomplishments:

• NDS staff researched and developed zoning amendments aimed at enhanced housing choice, increased housing supply, and in support of a more inclusive, equitable City as supported by the current Comprehensive Plan and the 2022 Affordable Housing Action Plan. These changes are currently under consideration by City Council. • Entered the third year of the South District Program, modeled after the UniverCity program where we purchased, renovated, and sold 70 homes in our downtown and campus neighborhoods. The City purchased a total of 11 duplexes (22 units) for the program centered in the Taylor Dr./Davis St. neighborhood near Wetherby Park. Six homes have been sold or under a purchase agreement and two homes are currently under renovation. To avoid displacement, 7 of the 16 units purchased in 2021 remain occupied by tenants. Completed homes are sold to income eligible homebuyers at affordable sales prices. The City provides a $35,000 declining balance loan and provides up to $25,000 in HOME downpayment assistance to the qualifying buyer.


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