Final FY25 Adopted Budget

Public Works Administration Public Works Administration provides direction and administrative support to departmental operating divisions. General Fund Activities: • The Public Works Administration activity manages and coordinates the activities of the department’s seven divisions. • The Public Works Facility activity accounts for the operations and maintenance of the City’s public works facility .

Recent Accomplishments: • Implementation of Phases 1 and 2 of the asset management software. • Updated the Water and Fiber Optics System mapping. • Continued to decrease the sand use in winter maintenance by implementation of Salt Brine and utilizing straight salt during most winter weather events. • Continued staff development .

Upcoming Challenges: •

Continued workforce development and succession planning. • Implementation of Phase 3 of the asset management software. • Continued collection and updating of asset inventory for the public infrastructure. • Continued planning for the Transit Maintenance Facility and Equipment Maintenance Facility relocations to the Public Works Complex. • Supply chain impacts on daily operations and Capitol Improvement Project schedules. 217

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