Final FY25 Adopted Budget

costs will increase between $.50 to $1.50 per hour depending on location. Lastly, several parking related citations, including expired meter violations, will are proposed to be increased with this budget. 2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Highlights The capital budget for Fiscal Year 2025 totals $76,043,300 in planned expenditures and the five year CIP totals $274,559,947. The majority of CIP projects in the five-year period aim to improve the local transportation network, municipal utility system, and public parks and open spaces. The five-year program continues to reflect the City Council’s priorities established in previous fiscal years. It is also informed by adopted master plans, data-driven road condition index analyses and long-term utility system plans. Since 2021 it has not been uncommon to see capital project budgets increase by 20-30% due to cost increases driven by labor supply, inflation and supply chain disruptions. As such, we are buying less with our dollars and relying on reserves to keep projects moving forward without even more costly delay and disruption to the community.

Each year, significant resources are committed to annual capital projects including water and

Capital Improvement Projects by Category 2024-2028

Streets, Bridges, and Traffic Engineering 45%

Airport 2%

Public Safety 2% Government Buildings 2%

Culture & Rec 12%

Water/Wastewater/ Stormwater 21%

Transit & Parking 12%

Landfill 4%

sewer main replacements, fire truck replacements, roadway improvements, facility projects, and curb ramp replacements. Examples of recurring projects in this five-year Capital Improvement Plan include bicycle master plan improvements, annual tree plantings, bus stop improvements, and ADA improvements. Other examples of significant projects that align with Council priorities and are budgeted for in the 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program include the following (many projects will span multiple years):

2024 • Gilbert Street Bridge replacement • Dubuque Street reconstruction • Iowa Ave Pedestrian Bridge Rehab • Fire Station #1 bay floor rehab

• Wastewater Digester Complex rehab • Mercer Park ball diamond improvements • College Green Playground replacement • Shannon Drive Park buildout • Terrell Mill Skate Park redevelopment • Landfill equipment building replacement


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