Final FY25 Adopted Budget

General Information

Form of Government The City has seven (7) Council members, who serve staggered, four-year terms. Four (4) Council members are "at-large" and are nominated by all voters and elected by all voters. Although the three (3) "district" Council members (Districts A, B, and C) are nominated solely by voters within their districts and any primary is held only within the district, they are elected by voters city-wide. Council elections are held in odd-numbered calendar years. Council members select the Mayor from among themselves at their first meeting of the calendar year after each city council election. The Mayor is a voting member of the council and has no veto power. The Mayor is the official representative of the City, presiding officer of the Council and its policy spokesperson. The City Council is the legislative body and makes all policy determinations for the City through the enactment of ordinances and resolutions. It also adopts a budget to determine how the City will obtain and spend its funds. The Council appoints members of boards, commissions and committees. The City Manager is the chief administrative officer for the City and is appointed by the City Council. The City Manager implements policy decisions of the City Council and enforces City ordinances. In addition, the City Manager appoints and directly supervises the directors of the City's operating departments and supervises the administration of the City's personnel system and further supervises the official conduct of City employees including their employment, training, compensation, reclassification, discipline and discharge. The City Manager also oversees administration of City contracts, execution of public improvements, as well as construction, improvement, and maintenance of all City facilities. The City Manager prepares a proposed annual budget and submits it to the City Council for consideration and final approval consistent with State law, along with presenting recommendations and programs to the City Council. The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council and works at the direction of the City Council. The City Attorney supervises the City Attorney's Office, including four Assistant City Attorneys. In addition, the City Attorney acts as Chief Legal Counsel to the City Council, City Manager, the various City departments and staff, and most City commissions, committees and boards. The City Attorney also reviews and approves proposed City ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and other legal documents; oversees property acquisition needed for public improvements; prepares legal opinions for Council and City staff; and represents the City in litigation in which the City is involved, including violations of City ordinances. The City Clerk is appointed by the City Council, reports directly to the Council and attends all City Council meetings. The City Clerk is charged with custody of deeds, contracts and abstracts. The Clerk's office is responsible for the keeping of all ordinances, resolutions, minutes and the Iowa City City Code. The office publishes public notices, ordinances and minutes as required by law. The City Clerk's office assists


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