Final FY25 Adopted Budget

Boards and Commissions: The Human Rights Commission’s duties include:

1. Disseminating information to educate the public on illegal discrimination and civil rights, such as organizing and facilitating educational public forums that address one or more of the broad range of topics included within the rubric of human rights. 2. Making recommendations to the City Council for further legislation concerning discrimination as it may deem necessary and desirable. 3. Planning programs and activities designed to eliminate racial, religious, cultural, and other intergroup tensions including but not limited to sex, color, creed, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, and national origin. The Ad Hoc Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s duties include: 1. Fact-finding – collecting evidence of discrimination and racial injustice in multiple settings and compiling a complete record of racial injustices that will inform and support the fundamental institutional and policy reforms necessary to address systemic racism. 2. Truth-telling – providing creative opportunities for persons impacted and traumatized by racial injustice to share their stories of racial injustice and experience to be heard by the community including but not limited to city government. 3. Reconciliation – provides an opportunity for and facilitates direct conversation among and between community members of color, white community members, and representatives of various sectors in which people of color experience discrimination and injustice.

Recent Accomplishments:

• Successful completion of Intercultural Development Inventory by City boards. Implemented a complimentary monthly EDI series. Tenth year (2023) the City has received a perfect score on the Municipal Equality Index.

Upcoming Challenges:

• Taking the work of racial equity from just a knowledge base to dismantle systems and structures. • Reaching undeserved populations to address unlawful.


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