Final FY25 Adopted Budget

Department : A major organizational unit in the City comprised of related work activities aimed at accomplishing a major service or regulatory program.

Division: The organizational subdivision of a department.

Ebilling: Electronic billing enables the City to digitally send invoices for utility services. The bill is generated by the City ’ s financial software solution and sent to the payer by email. Employee Benefits: Contributions made by the City to designated funds to meet commitments or obligations for employee fringe benefits. Included are the City's share of costs for Social Security, Iowa Retirement System, and the other pension, medical, and life insurance plans.

Enterprise Fund: Separate financial entity used for government operations that are financed mainly from user fees – see Business-Type Activities.

Equity Transfers: Non-recurring or non-routine transfers of equity between funds.

Expenditures: The cost of goods received and services rendered.

Fiduciary Funds: A category of funds used to report assets held in a trustee or agency capacity for others an d which therefore cannot be used to support the government’s o wn programs. The fiduciary fund category includes pension (and other employee benefit) trust funds, investment trust funds, private-purpose trust funds, and agency funds. The City’s only fiduciary fund is an agency fund.

Fiscal Year (FY): A 12-month time period to which the annual operating budget applies. In Iowa, the fiscal year begins July 1 and ends the following June 30.

Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Positions: A part-time position converted to the decimal equivalent position based on total hours per year. Full-time positions charged to more than one program are shown as an appropriate fraction in each program. Fund: An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives.

Fund Balance: Net position of a fund (difference between assets, liabilities, deferred outflows of resources, and deferred inflows of resources).

General Fund: The fund supported by taxes, fees, and other revenues that may be used for any lawful purpose.

General Obligation Bonds (G.O. Bonds): When the city pledges its full faith and credit to the repayment of the bonds it issues, then those bonds are general obligation bonds.

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