Final FY25 Adopted Budget

Legislature, with formal operations beginning on January 1, 1992. MFPRSI is administered under the direction of a Board of Trustees, with representatives from the membership, participating cities, citizens of Iowa and the Iowa General Assembly under Iowa Code Chapter 411. Modified Accrual Basis: This is the basis of accounting that the City utilizes as its budgetary basis of accounting for all funds. The modified accrual basis of accounting uses a current financial resources measurement focus, which generally includes only current assets and current liabilities on the balance sheet. This became the City’s budgetary basis of accou nting starting in fiscal year 2013. Moody’s Investors Service: An independent bond rating agency that provides bond rating services for the City’ s bond issues. The City’s current bond rating is Aaa for its long-term General Obligation bonds.

Non-Program: Program costs that do not relate to any one department, but represent costs of a general City-wide nature.

Non-spendable Fund Balance: Portion of net resources that cannot be spent because of their form or because they must be maintained intact.

Ordinance: A formal legislative enactment by the City Council, which implements or amends local law. Any budgetary change which affects total appropriations, levies, use of reserved appropriations, personnel authorizations, or duties and powers of appointed officials requires the adoption of an ordinance. Other Financing Sources/Uses: Other financing sources and uses include a limited number of special transactions that are used to account for non-operating revenues/receipts and expenditures/disbursements. Examples are receipt of loan proceeds, payment of loan principal, and the sale of capital assets. Personnel: A category of expenditures used for services rendered by full-time, part-time, and temporary employees to support the functions of City departments. Costs include salaries, fringes and other related benefits. Program: A distinct function of city government which provides services to the public or other city departments. Legal compliance is met if actual expenditures do not exceed the budgeted expenditures by program areas: Public Safety, Public Works, Health & Social Services, Culture and Recreation, Community and Economic Development, General Government, Debt Service, Capital Projects and Business Type/Enterprises. Property Tax Levy: A property tax (or millage tax) is a levy on property that the property owner is required to pay. The amount owed is calculated by applying the property tax rate against the taxable value of the property as determined by the City Assessor in accordance with State law.

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