Final FY25 Adopted Budget

Taxable Valuation: The amount of the estimated actual property value that is used for levying property taxes after it is reduced by limitations set under State law.

Tort Liability: A tort is a wrong against an individual or property that is neither a crime nor a violation of a contract. The City could be found liable or responsible by a court when a tort occurs on City property, as a result of the actions of a City employee, or the function of a City operated activity. The City levies a special tax to purchase tort liability insurance and to cover the cost of tort damages for which the City is found responsible. Transfers (In/Out): Financial transactions that occur between City funds. Interfund transfers occur between two separate funds. Intrafund transfers occur within a single fund. Transfers may be for operating or capital purposes. Transfers “In” a re those being received by a fund. Transfers “Out” are those being sent to another fund.

Unassigned Fund Balance:

Residual net resources. Total fund balance in the general fund

in excess of non-spendable, restricted, committed and assigned fund balance.

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