Master Proposed Book FY2023

Upcoming Challenges: • The complexity, lack of flexibility and number of reviews in our development process. We currently have zoning districts, conservation/historic districts, sensitive areas ordinance, design overlays, Peninsula Code, Eastside Mixed Use District, Riverfront Crossings Form Based Code with eight sub-districts, and the upcoming South District Form Based Code to learn and implement. The process is time consuming and there is difficulty understanding requirements amongst enforcement officials, other departments, and the development community. • Staff capacity. In Development Services they have been asked to complete several Council initiatives that are in addition to their existing workload including, but not limited to, City-wide Comprehensive and Neighborhood District Planning, integrating missing middle housing in our residential zones as well as regulatory changes to support affordable housing, substantial amendments to the Riverfront Crossings Form Based Code, and climate action initiatives. Neighborhood Services is the primary administrator of additional state and federal funding through the CARES Act in response to COVID-19 for low-moderate income households. These funds are approximately three times our typical federal entitlement amount. Administering these funds, as well as potential ARPA funds, while spending out current funds in a timely and effective manner will be challenging. MPO has allocated and programmed more than $17.3 million in COVID emergency relief to our local transit agencies. Budget highlights Service Level Change Summary There are no service level changes in the fiscal year 2023 budget. Financial Highlights Supplies expenditures increased by 26.2% in the fiscal year 2023 budget primarily due to an increase in software expenditures.


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