Master Proposed Book FY2023

METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPOJC) OF JOHNSON COUNTY The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPOJC) of Johnson County Fund is a special revenue fund that accounts for the operations of the MPO. Funding for the MPOJC is derived from multiple sources including the City’s General Fund and the Road Use Tax Fund. Contributions are also received from the MPOJC’s other government members in Johnson County and from State of Iowa grants. Fund Balance: The MPOJC’s fund balance is expected to slightly decrease by $54,125 or 12.55% fiscal year 2023. The decrease is primarily due to revenues are projected to decline while expenditures are projected to increase. Revenues: Revenues and transfers in for fiscal year 2023 are expected to decrease by $15,110 or 1.9% due a decrease in transfers-in from the General Fund and Road Use Tax Fund totaling $13,332. Expenditures: Expenditures are budgeted higher in fiscal year 2023 by $31,941 or 3.9%. Personnel expenditures account for most of that growth totaling $23,583 and Supplies expenditure growth accounts for most of the remainder totaling $6,054.


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