Summer 2023 Activity Guide
AIR Nerf
Saturday July 1 6:00 AM–8:00 PM
City Park Pool
Friday June 23 5:30–7:00 PM
Robert A. Lee Recreation Center Fee: $2
Join us for our annual fundraiser for our learn to-swim program. City Park Pool will be open for open swim from 6 am-8 pm and will have music, games, water safety lessons, and more. Staff will be on site throughout the day to help qualifying individuals sign up for RecAssist. Pool admission is pay-what-you-wish and all donations go to our scholarship program to help with swim lessons, transportation, and incidentals like goggles and suits.
DUCK! Battle it out with your friends. No need to bring your own gun, we’ve got you covered. Play, battle and have fun, then enjoy some pizza.
Saturday June 17 6:00–7:30 PM
Wednesday July 26 5:30–7:30 PM
Mercer Park Aquatic Center
City Park Pool
Fee: $2 Splash into summer and party with your friends at City Park Pool!
FREE Where would we all be without the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? Come and celebrate 33 years of Disability rights. Enjoy birthday games, crafts, and a slice of cake.
Special Events are open to the public and free except where noted.
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