Summer 2023 Activity Guide


REGISTERING FOR CLASSES Class descriptions and notes can be found in the ActiveNet registration program. Participants can type in the name of the program select the “activities” button to narrow the search. Participants can register the following ways: 1. Online at 2. In person at the Mercer Park Aquatic Center, 2701 Bradford Dr. or Robert A. Lee Recreation Center, 220 South Gilbert St. FACILITIES PASS AND AGE REQUIREMENT An Iowa City Parks and Recreation issued facilities pass is required for use of the gym, locker room, game room, and fitness room. The pass system allows staff to better assess community need by monitoring facility usage to help plan future services and amenities. Patrons 16 years of age and older can be issued a pass during open facility hours. Children 15 and under need to either show a school ID or bring a parent/guardian to create a facility pass. Facility policy prohibits ages 11 and under from using the facility, including pools, unless accompanied by an adult, or individual 16 years or older. Replacement passes are $1. CLASS SIZE Limits are placed on the size of some classes to assure quality instruction. Registration is first-come, first-served. Classes are reviewed at least three working days prior to the start and those with insufficient enrollment are subject to cancellation. Registration must be made prior to participation in any Parks and Recreation activity.

Check out this video on how to find the right activities for you and your family!


Online at In-person at Mercer Park Aquatic Center & Scanlon Gym or Robert A. Lee Recreation Center Phone 319-356-5100 during regular facility hours


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