2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program.pdf

City of Iowa City Capital Improvement Program Unfunded Projects

Project Name


Unfunded Amt

5 - Wastewater 47 North Branch Dam Trunk Sewer This project extends easterly along Ralston Creek from the North Branch Dam to Scott Boulevard.


48 Northeast Trunk Sewer

Reconstruction of an under-sized sewer through the northeast neighborhoods. This project includes the design and construction of a sanitary sewer trunk extension between Scott Boulevard and Hickory Trail. Construct 90' by 40' covered roof area with open side similar to the Sludge Storage area. Building to be the same dimension of the existing cold storage building.


49 Sanitary Sewer Extension - Scott To Hickory Trail


50 New Cold Storage Building


51 Geo-Thermal Hvac Conversion Project would include the conversion of the HVAC system to Geo-Thermal. Installation of Geo-thermal loops, new pump systems, new chiller, and improved controllers required to operate the system.


6 - Water 52 West Side Ground Storage Reservoir

Construction of a two million gallon ground or elevated storage reservoir with associated pumping station and generator west of US-218. Current land acquired for this reservoir is southeast of the Slothower Rd at Hebl Ave This project will be for the reduction of dissolved nutrients (i.e. nitrates) in the source water. The project is preceded by a study. The study will review treatment technology options (i.e. reverse osmosis, biological treatment) and the long-term viability of continued lime softening. Add underdrains, granular media, controls, and instrumentation to filter bay #6. This bay was left unfinished to allow for future expanded production. The project will also repair or replace a number of filter control valves. The project will be informed by the Treatment Study. Replace aging medium voltage (13,200V) cabling and install communication fiber to wells at the Water Plant and Peninsula sites. This is a water main replacement project with respective street and sidewalk replacement at Lee Street and Highwood Street. Approximately 550 feet of 6" cast-iron pipe (vintage 1951) will be replaced with 6" PVC pipe. Approximately 300 feet of PVC will be installed where no pipe has existed previously. Approximately 500 feet of 6-inch cast-iron pipe (vintage 1958) will be replaced with 500 feet of 8-inch PVC on the 900 block of Deforest Avenue. This is a water main replacement project with respective street and sidewalk replacement. Approximately 620 feet of 6 inch cast-iron pipe (vintage 1953) will be replaced with 8" PVC.


53 Nutrient Removal Project


54 Collector Well #1 Rehabilitation Clean two of the existing laterals and cap one existing lateral of Collector Well #1. Install two new 12-inch laterals to increase the production capacity of this raw water well.


55 Water Treatment Plant Filter #6 Buildout


56 Well Field Electrical Cable Replacement


57 Lee/Highwood Street Water Main Replacement


58 Deforest Ave Water Main Replacement 59 Giblin Drive Water Main Replacement




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