2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program.pdf

City of Iowa City Capital Improvement Program Unfunded Projects

Project Name


Unfunded Amt

103 Calder Park Playground Replacement 104 Second Parking Lot At Ashton House 105 Lower City Park Master Plan Improvements 106 East Side Sports Complex Improvements 107 Terry Trueblood Recreation Area Parking Expansion 108 Wetherby Park Entrance And Parking Lot Improvements

Replace the playground at Calder Park. Site constraints keep this as a smaller piece of equipment. Provides for additional parking on the north side of the Ashton House to support larger events at the facility. Implement changes to make the park more resilient to flooding. Follows from the 2015 master plan. Build out of a new 73 acre park on the City’s east side. The park includes expansion of various field sports as well as serves as a neighborhood amenity. Follows from the 2015 master plan. Expansion of the parking areas with addition of 100 parking spaces at the Terry Trueblood Recreation Area lodge and lake. Connect Broadway sidewalks to the trail system in Wetherby Park. Resurface the parking lot and basketball court adjacent to parking lot. A trail extension will also be made to the Community Garden area in order to provide ADA access.







9 - Other Projects 109 Burlington Street Median

Construct the Burlington Street median from Gilbert Street to Madison Street. Project includes relocation of water and sewer utilities. This project will require a traffic signal preemption system. (Part of the Riverfront Crossings amendment to City-University URA).


110 Cemetery Columbarium 111 City Hall Relocation

Construction of a columbarium.


Relocate and expand / modernize City Hall and City Council Chambers.


112 Police Evidence Storage Facility Construction of a permanent evidence storage facility. 113 Central Police Station Relocation Relocate and expand / modernize Central Police Station.


$19,000,000 $11,593,000 $2,898,000 $2,898,000

114 Fire Station #1 Relocation

Relocate and expand / modernize Central Fire Station #1. Construction of Fire Station #5 in the South Planning District. Construction of Fire Station #6 in the Southwest Planning District. This project will provide funds for the purchase of houses in designated flood hazard buyout areas after FEMA and CDBG buyout programs have ended. This project includes methane abatement, excavation, and fill at the 7 acre site owned by the City at Riverside Dr. and Hwy 6. This site preparation would allow for marketing of this property for commercial development. Snow removal equipment was previously stored in United Hangar. Equipment Shelter would provide enclosed storage for equipment. Construction perimeter road for maintenance and fueling vehicles to travel to south development area. South General Aviation area site development with access roadway and utilities. Hangar A door replacement; hangar A has 10 doors to be replaced. Streetscape and intersection elements through Summit Street Historic District.

115 Fire Station #5 116 Fire Station #6

117 Flood Buyouts


118 Riverside Drive Redevelopment


119 Airport Equipment Shelter


120 Airport Perimeter Road


121 South Airport Site Development


122 Hangar A Door Replacement


123 Summit Street Historic Plan



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