FY24 Adopted Budget
Engineering The Engineering Division exists to provide the technical expertise for the design and construction management of the public infrastructure to enhance the quality of life of our residents. The Division also manages the public right-of-way to maintain the health, safety, and welfare of our community, and operates the stormwater utility. General Fund Activities: Engineering performs work in connection with all municipal public works improvements, including bridges, roads, sidewalks, water mains, sanitary sewers, and stormwater systems. Engineering staff review subdivision plans, design public works improvement projects, perform survey work, and inspect the construction of public works projects and subdivision improvements. Division staff also aid other departments in the design and construction of public improvement projects. Stormwater Fund Activities: Stormwater Operations exists to provide safe, clean, and healthy waterways for our community. We do this by using education, outreach, community involvement, volunteers, capital projects, and enforcement of our City’s Ordinances that provide for and protect our watersheds. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is a federal program that regulates stormwater discharge into waterways. To comply with the federal requirements, the City of Iowa City received a permit to discharge stormwater and develop programs to reduce the discharge of pollutants carried by stormwater into our local waterways. Stormwater Capital Reserves accounts for stormwater funds that are set aside for the replacement of stormwater and storm sewer infrastructure and to provide for the repair and restoration of public stream banks. Substantial completion of the Asphalt Resurfacing 2021 and 2022 projects Substantial completion of the First Avenue and Scott Boulevard Intersection Improvements Project Substantial completion of the Orchard Street Reconstruction Project Substantial completion of the Melrose Avenue / IWV Road – Highway 218 to Hebl Avenue Improvement Project Completion of the Idyllwild Drainage Diversion Project Completion of the Second Avenue Bridge Project Completion of the Scott Boulevard Trunk Sewer Extension Project Hosted 18 events, where volunteers logged 96 hours of service to clean up the City’s watersheds, waterways, wetlands, prairies, and other natural spaces in calendar year 2021 The Stormwater Quality Best Management Practices Program participated in a total of 38 projects aimed at improving stormwater runoff water quality throughout the community, providing approximately $34,000 toward total combined project costs in fiscal year 2022 224 Recent Accomplishments:
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