FY24 Adopted Budget

 Initiated 7 creek repair projects totaling approximately $59,000 to repair damaged areas along local creeks in fiscal year 2022  Completed design and construction of projects to repair damaged storm sewer infrastructure at various locations within the city  Participating in the Your Best Lawn campaign with the cities of Coralville and North Liberty, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Close out the Iowa City Gateway Project  Complete construction of the American Legion Road Improvements Project  Complete construction of the Fairchild Street Reconstruction Project  Complete construction of the Benton Street Rehabilitation Project  Complete construction of the Rochester Avenue Reconstruction Project  Complete construction of the Highway 6 Trail Project – Fairmeadows to Heinz  Complete construction of the North Westminster Storm Sewer Improvements Project  Complete design and construction of the Gilbert Street Bridge Project  Complete design and construction of the Riverside Drive Pedestrian Improvements Project at the IAIS Railroad  Complete design and construction of the Rohret South Sewer Project  Design and construction of the 2023 pavement management projects  Adopt SUDAS Design Standards and implementation of SUDAS design standards for Stormwater infrastructure  Development of a right-of-way management ordinance  On-going maintenance and repair of aging stormwater infrastructure  On-going maintenance of stormwater detention basins  On-going creek maintenance projects  Improving the quality of stormwater runoff related to the City’s MS4 permit  Inspections and enforcement from complaints received related to stormwater issues  Complete design of the Court Street Reconstruction Project  Complete design of the Dubuque Street Reconstruction Project  Complete design of the North Gilbert Street Reconstruction Project  Design of the Dodge Street Reconstruction Project  Design of the Burlington Street Bridge Replacement Project  Design of the Park Road Reconstruction Project – Rocky Shore to Riverside  Design of the Taft Avenue Reconstruction Project – American Legion to Lower West Branch

Upcoming Challenges: 


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