FY25 Proposed Budget
1. Personnel - Personnel costs account for approximately 74.5% of budgeted expenditures (excluding transfers out) within the General Fund in fiscal year 2025. Employee benefit costs are discussed in greater detail in the City Manager Address.
2. Services - Expenditures for services are budgeted at $12.9 million in fiscal year 2025. Initial projections were based on fiscal year 2024 original budgets.
Many of the operating costs within the services category have more specific inflationary guidelines and methods of projection. This includes funding for liability, fire & casualty insurance premiums; professional and consultant services; internal service fund charges (Equipment, Information Technology Services, Risk Management, and Central Services); training & education; building and equipment repair and maintenance services; vehicle and equipment rentals. These costs are adjusted individually each year, based on specific operating plans and projects, claims/loss history, trend analysis, and operations-specific needs, each year. The Services category also includes funding for initiatives such as Aid to Human Service Agencies, Community Event Funding, support to the Iowa City Coralville Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Community and Economic Development Assistance, as follows:
$687.577 Aid to Human Service Agencies $372,000 Community Event / Program Funding $362,400 ICCVB – Community / Economic Development Assistance $115,000 Economic Development Assistance
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