FY25 Proposed Budget

3. Supplies - Supplies consist primarily of commodities that are consumed or depleted, such as office and cleaning supplies, vehicle fuel and materials for repair and maintenance of buildings, streets, and equipment. Expenditures for supplies are budgeted at $2.2 million in fiscal year 2025. Individual items costing under $5,000 are considered supplies. This limit is consistent with the threshold utilized to capitalize assets for the annual report. 4. Capital Outlay – The general fund capital outlay is budgeted at $1.6 million in fiscal year 2025 and includes police vehicle replacements, library materials, operating equipment, South District Properties, and building maintenance and improvements of $5,000 or greater. 5. Contingency - A General Fund contingency amount is established each fiscal year for those unforeseen expenditures that arise following formal adoption of the annual budget. This amount is available for appropriation by formal amendment, subject to recommendation from the Finance Director and City Manager, and approval by City Council. Contingency is budgeted at one percent (1%) of General Fund expenditures (excluding transfers) - approximately $700,200 in fiscal year 2025. In fiscal year 2024, a new contingency was added within the Fire Department to begin preparing for the eventual addition of another fire station and amounts to $700,000 in fiscal year 2025. 7. Transfers Out - This category is budgeted at $16.93 million in fiscal year 2025. One of the largest transfers out is from the transit property tax levy of $4.2 million that is being transferred into the Transit Fund. Other major transfers out include approximately $11.09 million to the Capital Projects Fund and $1.0 million to the Affordable Housing Fund. The General Fund borrowed $2.1 million from the Landfill Cell Replacement Reserve during fiscal year 2019 to help construct portions of the new Public Works Facility. Principal payments are reflected as a transfer out. The following is a summary of that loan:

Principal Outstanding as of 6/30/24

Total Payment FY25

Final Payment

FY25 Principal

FY25 Interest



Loan Amount

2019 Public Works Facility Loan


$ 2,100,000


$ 1,571,451


$ 116,985

$ 22,774


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