2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program.pdf
City of Iowa City Capital Improvement Program Unfunded Projects
Project Name
Unfunded Amt
1 - Bridges 1 Iowa Avenue Culvert
This project will include the removal and replacement of the existing reinforced concrete box culvert with a new three sided arch culvert. The project will also include removal and replacement of slope protection adjacent to the bridge on Ralston Creek, removal and replacement of street pavement and sidewalk, and site restoration. This project involves the removal and replacement of the existing corrugated metal arch bridge with a larger bridge. This project will replace the bridge over the South Branch of Ralston Creek at Fourth Avenue and will include sidewalks. Possibility of approximately $75,000 state funding. This project involves the removal and replacement of the existing twin box culvert with a larger bridge. This project will include the removal and replacement of the existing concrete bridge with a new single-span reinforced concrete box culvert. The project will also include removal and replacement of slope protection adjacent to the bridge on Ralston Creek South Branch, removal and replacement of street pavement, and storm sewer improvements.
2 F Street Bridge
3 Fourth Avenue Bridge
4 Sixth Avenue Bridge
5 Third Avenue Bridge
2 - Streets 6 Benton Street - Orchard To Oaknoll
This is a capacity related improvement identified by the Arterial Street Plan. This project will include reconstruction of Brookland Park Drive and updates to utilities.
7 Brookland Park Drive Rehabilitation
8 Dodge St - Burlington To Bowery Street reconstruction and storm sewer improvements. This is a joint project with the IDOT.
9 Dubuque Rd Paving - Bristol To Dodge 10 Dubuque Street Access Road And Traffic Signal
Reconstruct and upgrade to urban cross sections.
This project will construct an access drive from the north end of Laura Dr to Dubuque Street, south of the Interstate 80 / Dubuque St interchange. May also facilitate a second means of access from the Peninsula area to Dubuque St.
11 Emerald Street Diamond Grinding This project will diamond grind all of Emerald Street to remove the slab warping that interferes with the use of this street by fire trucks.
12 Gilbert / Us 6 Intersection Left Turn Lanes 13 Gilbert St Iais Underpass
Reconstruct the intersection of Gilbert & US 6 to include dual left turn lanes on Gilbert St. This project relocates the sidewalks of the Gilbert St. underpass at the IAIS Railroad. The sidewalks are moved further from the street and existing erosion problems are addressed. Streetscape improvements on Old Hwy 218 entrance - Sturgis Ferry Park to US Hwy 6. This project includes landscaping, lighting and sidewalk improvements. The project should be coordinated with Sturgis Ferry Park upgrade and /or Riverside Drive Redevelopment project. This project will be initial phase of constructing Hwy 965 extended from the south side of Hwy 218 to Melrose Avenue to arterial standards.
14 Old Hwy 218 Streetscape
15 Highway 965 Extension
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